Thursday, October 2, 2008

De-Clutter Clean and Organize Day 2

Day Two:

Still in the Front Room (in my case it is our Formal Living Room/Entryway)

~In my front room I have a “Larry.” (What? Not everyone names their furniture? Okay, so it a beautiful buffet hutch that I fell in love with one day while we were looking for a sofa. Who needs a dining room table to go with it?) The “Larry” is really our catch all.

    Top Drawer: Keys, sunglasses, receipts, gum wrappers, cell phones, pens, and other assorted weird things end up scattered in here. (Where did the vampire teeth come from.)

    Second Drawer: I keep table cloths (I do have a kitchen table at the moment, but I am not fond of it, so I keep it covered with a cloth), placemats and cloth napkins.

    Left Side Door: Candle Holders, large candles and a bunch of glade plug in’s that my cute hubby won’t let me plug in anymore. Safety hazard.

    Right Side Door: Table cloth tilted on it’s side so you can close the door, and then votive candles and tea light candles.

~Next, I am going to follow the same sorting procedure as I did for the top surfaces. Empty everything out onto the sorting surface. Place like items together: sunglasses, receipts, gum wrappers, pens, candle holders, table cloths, you get the idea right? Now DO NOT put the gum wrappers back! Throw them away. Unless you have a gum wrapper collection and then put it in the appropriate display container. Get your container out for returning items and take 2 minutes to put things away.

~Now that we have an empty drawers and cupboards lets use our favorite handy dandy cleaner and wipe out the whole inside of the drawers and cupboard spaces. Don’t forget to wipe the sides down also, especially where I live, it needs it!

~Go back to your sort pile and start putting things back with like items. Tablecloths with table cloths, candles with candles, etc. This is a great chance to see what you have and get rid of things that you don’t use anymore.

~Don’t you feel good! We have tackled the top surface of your front room and now we have talked the inside surface.

~Conquer any more drawers, cabinets or shelves that you might have left in this particular room. We have a piano bench, so that is the last thing on my list today!

So, it has been two days now? I know I feel great. How about you? Remember we do have 30 days so relax and enjoy your home. I love my home. It is my sanctuary. Taking the time to keep it clean and tidy only leaves you with more time to enjoy your family and friends.

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

I've been working in scottsdale morning, noon, and most of the night...Haven't cleaned my house at all and left Justin in charge...I'm gonna have to play catch up BIG TIME!!!!!!!!