Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 8-Lazy Day

I am going to be short and sweet tonight cause, quite honestly, I don't feel like blogging. I have a date with some hair spray and a batch of uniforms as someone decided to put a blue ink pen in his pocket.

~So go clean your counters off. Move things and wipe, rearrange and put back.
~Wash the dished in your sink. If that means running the dish washer more power to ya!

Your kitchen will love you for it. And you will feel great in the morning.


Kim said...

So have you been home this week with Fall break or what? I'm loving your blogging this week, thanks for all your helpful tips.

Lexi said...

No...Next week and Bill and I are taking turns with days off to be with the kids! :-) Thanks!

Kim said...

We are off next week also. The boys will be going to the cabin with g'ma and g'pa for most of the week....I can get some GOOD cleaning done then.