Monday, October 6, 2008

A Blonde Confession

We went to dinner on Saturday night
We stuffed ourselves full of delicious bites
We brought home what was left, like we always do.
To heat up on Sunday for a meal on its own.

These glorious leftovers were sent home in style.
No white Styrofoam here they were shiny and bright
With a pretty lid to top it off, Silver on the back and white on the top.
So I proudly stuck them in the toaster oven with glee

There was our lunch, warming away
I could smell the aroma mouth watering at best
On a thought I looked over and there was my dinner
Flaming away inside the warm box of metal
Holy $*&# I scream, I started the house on fire

I did what I do best when panicked like that,
I ran around looking busy while pop fixed the mess
No need to fear, there was just a lot of smoke
But I am sure I will receive my fair share of some poke
(Editors note: When you have a kitchen fire it is vitally important to unplug or turn off your appliance before you try to fight the fire. Before I went chicken crazy I was calm enough to take this step. Aren't cha proud of me?)
Stay tuned for Day 6 of our cleaning adventure!

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

That's hilarious!!!! Why did it start on fire? Cuz it was such fancy doggie boxes? I have slowly started your cleaning regime. I got all our halloween stuff out and reorganized Jayden's room/the den. I don't have a I'm lucky I guess. That seemed hide a lot of your stuff...don't worry, my 'junk' drawer will be just as crazy.