Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 2012...thus far

 It has been beautiful weather. 
March went out like a Lamb. 
(It was pretty chilly March 1 so I guess that was the Lion)
April 1st the high was into the 80's.
We spent most of the day outside working on projects
and got a wee little sunburn. 


Then it snowed on April 3rd.
(and it was garbage day...) 
 I was so afraid all the pretty blooms would drop from the trees. 
My neighbors pink blooms are MY FAVORITE

 But here we are on April 4th with these beauties:

 I believe her tree is a fruit bearing plum tree.  
We just might have to become a little better friends this year!  :-)  
Happy Spring, from beautiful Colorado

Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolution 2012

Last year my 
Resolution 2011
was to ENJOY.

I did well.  I took time to enjoy the little things.  
I enjoyed every little minute I was able to spend in my studio
I enjoyed each of my children.
and for the most part I enjoyed each of their personalities 
and embraced each of them for the little people they are becoming.  

I feel like make it my resolution I was able to 
better live my life "in joy."
This has probably been one of the happiest years of my life.
Nothing spectacular happened, 
and each challenge I was given was met with a positive attitude 
and a smile!  

my Resolution 2012
is to CREATE.

Create happiness in my home
Create memories with my family
Create healthy meals on a regular basis
Create energy and strength in my body 
Create art
Create Harmony

I am so excited to for this new resolution.  
It is such a small word 
that is going to have a big impact in my world.  

I hope your 2012 brings you all the Enjoy's and Create's that you are looking for!