Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hair spray and Ink...

Thanks for letting me be lazy and kind of take the night off. I had my darling son shoot aerosol hairspray at all the spots on the clothing and on the inside of the dryer. I rewashed the clothing and we wiped the inside of the dryer with a wet rag and almost all of the ink spots came clean. He felt really bad about leaving the pen in his pocket and when he saw the hairspray taking it off he was so happy!

I even had a little fun and made some pumpkin chip cookies. I didn’t have nuts and I didn’t want to dig in my big freezer for choco chips, so I made them with a mixture of white chip, chocolate and butterscotch chips. I iced them and they turned out so yummy!
I love fall and pumpkins and cool weather. Supposedly we are done with 100 degree days here. So here's to hairspray getting ink off and some yummy cookies.

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

How did you find out that hairspray takes out ink? I need these tips you know!

You'd be proud of me 8am my house was sparkling clean. I vacuumed, mopped, wiped down cabinets and baseboards, Dusted air vents, and scrubbed my glass table top till it was shiny. I've got more to do to catch up...but its good to have some motivation.