When we started looking for house, we jokingly said we only wanted to look where Wal-Mart wasn't yet. Well, THE WALMART is getting close to being done. Lowe's is opening sometime in April. (My neighbor got a job there, so I know it will be soon!) YEAH! No more late night trips to town at 90 miles an hour to make sure we make it to buy more ceiling paint! :-) "They" (I am not really sure who they are, but we keep hearing it!) keep saying that by the year 2020 Buckeye AZ will be bigger than Phoenix AZ. Not hard to believe since they have 600 sq. miles of land in the "city" of Buckeye. Anyway, my whole point is that they are putting in some new sewer pipes along the county road that runs behind the house. It has kept the kids entertained every morning and afternoon after school. So, don't worry Grandma S...the wave climber is getting good use.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Well, after a day to recover from a late night on a school night, I am back at em. Laundry, organizing the usual things that I do each day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMBER! :-) The Josh Groban concert was amazing. His voice is so...buttery! For being only 26 he has such a great stage presents. I was teasing Bill that we sat in the wrong seats...After his break he came out in the middle of the arena in the middle of the audience. He walked all the way down through the crowd back up to the stage. He came out just about where we were just 1/4 of the way around the areana. I sat next to a very nice "couple" of men. They shared their binaculars so I could get a good up close look at Josh. :-) I had a great time going with my friends. If you ever have the chance...it is worth the tickets. Thank you SOO Much Bill for spoiling me yet again!
With the kids back to school we are back to the grind. Today James and I are going to go to the Library after lunch and take back all the books and movies we checked out during spring break. Have a great one.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Grant the Robot
Last night Grant and Bill went to the sleep center to have Grant's sleep test done. The ENT doc wants to take his (Grant's) adnoids out b/c he is still snoring, not waking rested and bedwetting. I asked if we could have a sleep study done first so that we have something to compare it too. Grant did awesome. Watched TV for a while until he fell asleep and then they came in and woke him up at 7. They were the first patients in and the last out. I was a nervous wreck at home, but managed to go to bed fairly early. I think a scary show came on about 11, but I was already alseep, so I found the remote and even turned off the TV. Sadie must have been really tired, cause she actually came up stairs to go to sleep last night. (The night the boys were gone camping she slept on her bed downstairs all night.) The other kids even slept in this morning. We got up about 7:30 to eat some breakfast. I already have a yummy all day soup in the crock pot. It is full of carrots, potatoes, cabbage, celery, onions, and stew meat. Yummy. The kids can already smell it cooking. I actually won't be partaking, b/c I will be on my way to see Josh Groban's concert! Bill suprised me on the way to WY at Thanksgiving with the tickets. He is the most romantic hubby ever. He got 4 tickets and told me I could take whom ever I wanted. After much debate and discussion with him, we decided the it being a Sunday night it would be better for him to stay home and put the kids to bed early. What a guy! So the "girls" and I are going out tonight! WAH HOO! I will try to post some pictures tomorrow! It will be super fun.
Friday, March 23, 2007
A few down...A hundred million to go!

Hi! After going to bed early last night, this is what I got done. (Sorry about the seams, I didn't stitch them together after I scanned, just overlaid them where they lined up) I am super happy at how they turned out. Nice and simple. The boys are on their way home from camping. They got rained out. Can you believe that in the Desert? I guess they are still going to go to a movie tonight b/c they can't camp, so I will still have the night to scrap away. I am working on Christmas Pictures right now. I took a ton at the Family Christmas Eve Party. It was fun! The other two kids are playing, bossing, playing. James is doing the playing and Billie is doing the bossing. That is okay. They are working it out. And they all get back to school on Monday! Happy Scrapbooking Day!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
How can you resist?
Look at this cute little face. How do I say no to that? He and Billie spent most of the afternoon in and out of the pool today. He came in with an upset tummy and threw up a couple of times. I think he just drank enought pool water to make his stomach upset. Poor dude. I didn't take his temp (sorry Amber) but he wasn't very warm. We snuggled on the couch for a couple of hours and them I put him to bed with an ice cream bucket. As I was laying him down he asked why God gave him eyelashed that were so big. Ahhh...What a heart breaker. :-) No wonder he is so spoiled. Can't believe that my baby is 5. Yikes.
Happy Spring!

Monday, March 19, 2007
Billie's Room
I have had a vision of a soft romantic room for Billie for a long time. She chose the paint color and then helped decide what to make the canapy out of. My friend Belinda is the queen of decorating a romantic home so she helped me find some the other accessories. Bill did all the wainscotting and molding and he built the shelves. I did most of the painting, filling holes and touching up. The last thing to do is get a new light fixture. I was going to find a pretty chandelier, but I think with the AZ heat putting a white ceiling fan up is a better plan. The only thing left is to built out her closet with a closet organizer.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
What does he do?
What does a five year old little boy who LOVES to talk and wiggle and TALK at church when it is time to sit and be reverent? He sits so still and can't talk to keep himself occupied, so he falls asleep. It was so cute. His arms were folded until the one drop down to his side. He even slept through time to go to his primary class and half of primary. Bill stayed with him until he woke up. When he got to primary he was still pretty out of it and just sat there with his mouth hanging open staring. What a dude!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Finally It's a girl!
On Thursday we woke up and as the kids were getting dressed, I was going over the days agenda. Shopping was on the plan since we were avoiding the sun. Billie put on a pair of her favorite blue jeans, a long sleeve white t-shirt and a DiviineModestee pink cami over top. She came out of her room and as she cocked her hip to one side asked me if she looked like a little mommy. YIKES. Yes Billie you do. Then she asked if she could bring her flip flop purse. (Mind you she has had purses for at least 5 years never once was really interested in them.) Sure, you can bring a purse. We get in the van and start driving to run errands and meet dad for lunch. At each errand she asked if she could bring her purse in and of course I said yes. We met dad at a yummy mexican resturant in Phoenix. As she finished her meal, she propped up her mirror compact on the salsa dish and proceeded to reapply her lipgloss. She then asked the boys if they needed some chapstick. (She packed prepared for every lip emergency) We all were just smiling amazed at her "girly" ways. We then went to the mall to check out Children's place for Easter atire for the boys. While the boys and I are on one side she is one the other side of the store with her purse tucked up tight on her shoulder, paging through the clothes, grabbing hangers and matching bottoms to tops. I wander over to see what she is doing and she is gushing about "Oh mom, look how cute this goes with that." "Can I have this pair of gauchos?" "These would go so well with my white kitty t-shirt and my black sparkley shirt."(Okay mom, I was sucked in by the wardrobe possibilities. I guess I taught her well.) I have to admit. It was so fun to have a little girl for a day that I caved and bought her the outfit. Mind you that this is the same little girl that plowed over another little girl in ballet class when she was three and ended up coming home with a bloody nose. Watch out Bill. It's a girl!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Go figure
My kids are on spring break this week and next. Since the temperature here is in the mid 90's I let my kids go swimming on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday I totally forgot to put sunscreen on them. Wednesday I was on top of things and applied spf 50. You would think that would have protected them. Not a sign of sunburn on Tuesday, but Wednesday night we were applying aftersun cream and going to bed shirtless. They spent the same amount of time out in the sun each day. Go Figure. The water was only 72-74 degrees, so I happily read my library books by the pool as they splashed around. Needless to say we went shopping yesterday afternoon to avoid the sun and they will probably spend the afternoon inside avoiding the sun. (I did let them go outside this morning while it was cool out.)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I finally jumped on the wagon!
Since I am a terrible journaler, everyday life forgeter and all around blonde chic, I decided to jump on the wagon of the blogging world. Heaven (and Bill) knows that I am on my computer enough each day that I could stand to document my children's (and husbands) life little funnies. Who knows though. This may end up being an exercise just like writing in a real journal growing up. I will write everyday for a week and then forget about it for a year, then try to catch up that missed year in the one week I am motivated again. It should be a fun experement non-the-less. And hopefully it will give me another way to stay connected to my friends afar.
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