Monday, April 16, 2007

What is it with April?

I can't help but to ponder life this morning as I am glued to the news of the tragedy in Virginia. It seems every couple of years around my birthday that tragedy strikes. Waco, Oklahoma Bombing, Columbine now this. I marvel at the emotions I have been through in just a few short days. On Friday I was in the temple with my mom enjoying the peace and solice and feeling how much Heavenly Father loves me, and then today I feel sad and angry at how someone can take so many lives so thoughtlessly. I am so grateful that I know that I have a God who loves me and who care for me when I ponder the tragedy of the world. I cannot imagine my life any other way. I cannot imagine getting through the trials of my life any other way.
On a happier note, I was so happy and excited to be at my niece Kiley's Baptism. She is such a grown up amazing girl. I know she was nervous that her dad would drop her, but he didn't. :-) I look at my 8 almost 9 year old and think it is so amazing that they can really grow up in one year. I spent some time with the kids and Jess after the big event and Jess reminded Kiley, you are 8 now and you have to be accountable. Isn't that a wonderful thing to be able to say. But I know that Grant really takes that to heart. I see him watching his friends to see if they are making the right decision and making good choices. He can tell the difference. I know it! Thanks mom and dad and thanks Lin and Jess for having me this weekend. I loved every minute of it and I miss you guys! :-)
In light of another tragedy, hug your kids and your spouse and your family. Life is too short to be mad or carry a grudge. Love you ALL!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I second your phrase..."hug your kids and your spouse and your family. Life is too short to be mad or carry a grudge."

What we often think matters most really matters the least, and what matters the least really is the most important. Enjoy life!