How cool would it be to have a clean and organized home before the holidays? After 10 years of staying home with my children I am now a full time working mom. My house has slowly turned from
Anal Retentive Obsessive Compulsively Clean and Organized
to a war zone.
Instead of spending quality time with my children and my husband at night and on the weekends I am always frantically cleaning trying to stay caught up. So this is where my neat nick bone is going to kick in. I am going to teach you how to methodically go through each room and clean and organize it, while at the same time cleaning and organizing my home just in time for Halloween. Think of all the fun things you can do during the holidays if you aren’t worrying about all the clutter around your home. Plus I will inject some great housekeeping tips I learned as a housecleaning some years ago, to make the job just a little easier. If you have areas that you need help with
feel free to leave a comment to ask.
I will do periodic updates to help everyone out. Just think if one person is asking, then at least 2 people somewhere need to know. :-) And if you have any tips to help me out please leave them in the comments and I will add them. (Remember I am playing along too)
Oh and don’t forget to bookmark me. I will be updating everyday from now until Halloween.And one more ps. I have tried to fly and I just can't seem to get into the swing of that right now.