I guess it is official. Last week Jame's lost his first baby tooth! I told him after it came out that it is official, he can't be a baby anymore. He is now a big kid. He didn't really like that idea and asked me to put his tooth back! Ha...if it were only that easy.

This is Billie's art corner. It is the one place in her room that is perpetually messy. Because "she is an artist" I guess. While they were up in Wyoming I bought these kitchen organizers at IKEA for her markers/pencils to go in. I love the way they look, she can take down one or two cups if she wants too, but it keeps the markers neat and tidy!

Doesn't that just look kewl!

Jess and I took some cool scrapbooking classes while she was here this summer and I promised A I would post a picture of the Family Plaque. Here is my version. I wish I had taken a picture of Jess's too cause hers was way "sick." Hot pink and Black! Maybe she will post a picture of it on her blog!

That big metal flower on the end is my favorite thing!
(Oh but I love the Cherry paper that I found too!)
OMG Lexi, Billie's room is so cute. You are such the creative mommy. Tell James congrats on the tooth. Garrett is working on tooth #3. Talk to you soon.
I love your family sign it is so dang cute. Do you have a pattern for it and if so when the heck are you gonna teach me how to do it!
Wow! LOVE Billie's room AND the family sign--you are so creative!! So, I'm with Melissa...when are you gonna teach us how to make the family sign? Friday night craft nights this fall?
Congrats to James on the lost tooth...definately a BIG boy now, no looking back!
I really think that should be our craft on craft night! So stinkin cute! Once a Martha always a Martha! hehe :)
Like mother like daughter...that crafty little Billy. I can still remember when you took her color wonder markers away when she wouldn't let the boys go to sleep in the apartments. She cried about it for days. Tell James congrats on the missing teeth.
You are soooo organized. I am so jealous. I love billie room it is cute. And I love your family plaque. It is really cute.
I love the IKEA stuff. I need to go again. Problem is I spend too much money when I'm there :o)
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