Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's Tuesday

I joked with everyone at work that I would be ready to come back to work by Tuesday.  HeeHee!  We had a pretty good day.  Billie was up to her good ole shenanigans again.  She spend some time on her bed and also some time in a chair for time out.  Bill keeps telling me it is because we are sooo much a like.  This afternoon we went out to work on our bike riding.  Grant is a total expert and he is a little daredevil.  James and Billie are such another story.  Grandma and Grandpa gave them bikes like 3 years ago and they did great until we took the training wheels off last year. 

 ***Well, truth be told Billie was terrible even with her training wheels on.  But I was terrible on my bike when I was a kid.  My folks can probably remember how many bikes i went through and I am sure my mom's hand is still cramping from all the thistles that she pulled out of my body when I rode down the hill into the thistle patch. ***

So we went into the back yard first because it is fairly flat and the grass is a much softer landing than on the hard sidewalk.  I worked and worked with Billie and James until I was quite confident we could go down to the park to ride (where Grant could have more fun)  without a trip to the emergency room.  After about 20 minutes Billie got the hang of it and she actually rode around the circle 3 times.  I was so proud of her.  She is still not so sure of the start up and get going part, but we have a couple of more days to get the hang of it.  James is a whole other story and he "really really wants his training wheels back on because this is hard." 
My list of things to do hasn't really gotten done, but I have spent loads of time with the kids, I managed to get a run in today and I am caught up on the laundry.  I guess that's not to shabby for Tuesday.  

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

I bought Alyssa a bike......she won't even touch it. Nice huh? Jayden had training wheels off at four. He's always been awesome and can ride faster than his mom.