Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Bill

This is totally belated, but I wanted to make note for posterity that I actually  made Bill a birthday cake this year after taking a hiatus last year.  Coconut Cream Pie Cake! Yumm-O!  If you want the recipe just zip me a note! Oh and do you like how we improvised the candles.  I didn't have 32 cake candles, but you know a 3 and then two stick candles. That works right!


attack of The Mouse said...

We drove through your state, the most northern part for about 5 miles the other day, and we told E. which state we were in and she wanted to know who lives here. I had to think for a long time, and you are the only person I know who lives there. So thanks for living in your state. Thanks to your blog, I had a fresh memory of your kids names and was able to tell her about you. Maybe we will have to visit someday. I loved loved the warm weather.

Rochelle said...

Hey there, I tried to call you. I'm crazy and drove to utah over the weekend to get a DOG!!!!! Crazy huh? Anyway, I was just gonna update you on our moving situation...which is nothing. Probably lease to own on our house cuz nobody wants to buy and swapping with a Florida person doesn't seem to be working.