Friday, November 9, 2007

Here's Jack!

I grabbed the camera last night while we were putting the kids to bed and got some better pictures of Jack. He has done surprisingly well. He handled being crated all week (except today) really well. He only slightly ate up his new bed, so now he is just sleeping on the hard bottom of the crate. He did have an accident tonight. I think he was severely abused by his former family(if he even had one) because as I started yelling at him (he POOPED on the carpet) he immediately dropped to the floor and began "army crawling" to get away from me. The yelling was enough and he sat on his bed for the next 2 hours without hardly moving. He is learning to sit well. We are feeding Sadie first to continue with her dominance and he sits really good if he sees that he is getting fed next. He has a funny quirk: His upper lip gets caught in one of his canine tooth and he looks a little...well, not quite right in his head when he does it. It is pretty funny and we laugh at him when he does it. He definately wants to be a lap dog.

Today I had the first internal conflict that really tore me up about working. James woke up in the middle of the night and had thrown up. I haven't accumulated any sick leave or time off yet and we were training today on a really cool topic. Bill said he would work from home today with out hesitation, but it really tore me up to not be here. Bill is amazing and wonderful and I trust him completely, now I am having to trust myself to really trust him. He did great with him today and when I got home the WHOLE house had been vaccumned and picked up. Gotta love that. Next week I switch to my on the job trainind and my hours are more "family" friendly. We will still have to switch off with the kids, but I can get them off to school and put dinner in the crock pot before I go off to work. I am really going to love my job and all the posiblities. I can see myself getting interested in things that I don't think even 2 years ago I could picture me doing. It will be fun to see the places I will go. :-) Have a happy weekend!

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