My good friend reminded me yesterday that I have been neglecting my blog. So here is my quick update!
~Grant punched a hole in his head at after school care the day before Thanksgiving. Bill drove home to find not even a little scratch near the dried blood. We have reminded Grant that running around not paying attention can and will result in a meeting of his head and the window air conditioning unit. The unit will probably win.
~I boycotted the traditional Thanksgiving dinner and made cinnamon crepes filled with Bananas, Strawberries and Cream Cheese, Mushroom Artichoke Egg Frittata, Bacon and Sparkling Cider mixed with Orange juice. I then went to work and was very Thankful to not be out travelling this holiday season, especially with small children. Bill hung out at home with the kids and was very thankful for our TV, cable and Thanksgiving day football and movies.
~Christmas Shopping is almost done.
~Christmas Tree is up...not decorated yet, but up.
~Billie is wondering where the Christmas cookies are. It isn't even December 1.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It's a good day around our house!
November 11 is a GREAT day here. Happy Birthday to James and congratulations to Mike and Kel for their new baby born early in the morning. We are very excited to share this day with our darling new cousin and nephew!
Here are some pictures from our weekend. (not the greatest, I took them with my cell phone)

We ate at James' favorite resturant. Village Inn! When asked what he was going to eat he told me to guess. "I think you are going to have a Village Inn Funny Face." "Ahh mom, You are just too smart. You ALWAYS guess what I eat." (Cause that is ALWAYS what he orders there.)

Grant and Billie waiting patiently for their meals.
James was sick on Friday so he didn't finish his whole meal and we didn't even cut into his icecream cake until Sunday. We went home and opened presents. Then it was bed time. James' lovingly passed his "crap" around and he was the only one who went to school today. Billie and Grant are finally keeping down crackers and 7up.(for now at least) Good thing I had today off. This is the part that is stressing me out about having a job. The twice a year the kids are sick, I have to figure things out. Bill has been awesome and stayed home with James Friday. I think it will be helpful when his commute is only 30 minutes instead of 1-1.5 hours. Plus he will miss all the bad traffic. Here is a link to the job he will be on. He is coming on as a Project Manager and jumping into the scheduling side things. I am so proud of my scheduling man! This is going to be a great move for him and us. And let me brag some more about him. He has really picked up the slack from me not being here all day.
He can vaccum like none other! Thanks Babe!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Here's Jack!
Today I had the first internal conflict that really tore me up about working. James woke up in the middle of the night and had thrown up. I haven't accumulated any sick leave or time off yet and we were training today on a really cool topic. Bill said he would work from home today with out hesitation, but it really tore me up to not be here. Bill is amazing and wonderful and I trust him completely, now I am having to trust myself to really trust him. He did great with him today and when I got home the WHOLE house had been vaccumned and picked up. Gotta love that. Next week I switch to my on the job trainind and my hours are more "family" friendly. We will still have to switch off with the kids, but I can get them off to school and put dinner in the crock pot before I go off to work. I am really going to love my job and all the posiblities. I can see myself getting interested in things that I don't think even 2 years ago I could picture me doing. It will be fun to see the places I will go. :-) Have a happy weekend!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
It's a BOY!!!
Not quite goblins and gouls...
Night Ninja~aka~Grant
Getting anxious. Can we go yet mom?
Halloween night was so much fun this year. We decided to go out as a family and walk the neighborhood. It was fun to see so many of the neighbors sitting out in their driveways checking out all the action. The night was beautiful. I don't think it was colder than 75 degrees. It is kind of night to not have to worry about the costumes being big enough to fit clothes and jackets underneath them. And you can't beat all the loot we got.
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