Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

This is the Year...
This is the Month...
This is the Day...

I am so excited about 2010. I have never felt so excited to embark upon a new year as I am this year. I have finally realized that your life is really what you make of it! Maybe that is why I am so excited. I have big plans for me and for us! We have had a simple quiet holiday season and for that I am glad. The kids are getting older and everyday they are getting "bigger." It has been fun to slow down and just be. To hear what they think, to see how they play, to watch them interact with each other. We have been given much in this life and I can't wait to share and give back. This is the Year! And this is the Month! And This is the Day!
There is going to be no more waiting and procrastinating.
There will just be doing.
HAPPY 2010~ May it be exactly what you make it!


Megann said...

Hooray! I've had a paradigm shift this year as well and am EXCITED for what's coming up. I just want to fill my life with things that make me happy and bring me JOY! Here's to 2010....

Michelle Thompson said...

Lexi, your kids are so dang cute! I too am hoping for great things this year...
Next time you are in the neighborhood, we should hook up and paint some toe nails - mine have been neglected!