Monday, January 25, 2010

Whistle while we work...

Some of our most recent highlights:

*The Shelves that the owner put up in the garage came crashing down around my car last week. Bill said that is what you get when you screw into sheetrock and not studs. I don't think the rainy wet weather helped either. My car suffered the wrath and not has a few good dings to show for it. Several cans of paint were lost in the tragedy as well.

*A tornado warning was issued for Scottsdale last week.
Thank goodness we have an open floor plan house
with clearstory windows every where. It was all good though.
Just lots of wind and rain. We loved it!

*I started back to work today.
Just a few hours each day a couple of days a week.
I am only 15 minutes from home instead of 48.1 miles
going the wrong way at the wrong time of day.
I am glad. I liked the structure of juggling it all!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January Goes Marching On...

Our January has been filled with:
Impromtu photo shoots on ladders while we organize the new garage space.
A lovely visit with Grandma and Grandpa.
Filled with good food, games, competition, music, and laughter!
Another "first" day of school.
Went so well, when I asked them how the new school was
I received a resounding "awesome."
That's what I like to hear!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

This is the Year...
This is the Month...
This is the Day...

I am so excited about 2010. I have never felt so excited to embark upon a new year as I am this year. I have finally realized that your life is really what you make of it! Maybe that is why I am so excited. I have big plans for me and for us! We have had a simple quiet holiday season and for that I am glad. The kids are getting older and everyday they are getting "bigger." It has been fun to slow down and just be. To hear what they think, to see how they play, to watch them interact with each other. We have been given much in this life and I can't wait to share and give back. This is the Year! And this is the Month! And This is the Day!
There is going to be no more waiting and procrastinating.
There will just be doing.
HAPPY 2010~ May it be exactly what you make it!