(and because bags of candy isn't enough sugar on Hallow's Eve!)
I was taking a walk down memory lane yesterday before our evening stroll commenced
and I thought it would be fun to put a post together
of the 11 fun years of halloween we have enjoyed with our children.
It was only 100+Yards of ribbon for his head. I missed Bill terribly!

I made her costume and she was pretty happy to just hang out...
We still lived in Texas and we went to a local mall for trick or treating!
Billie was the cutest Tinkerbell
if you couldn't tell James was Captain Hook!
James was the cowardly lion (do you recognize this one remember 100+ yards of ribbion),
Billie skipped along as Dorthy
Grant squeeked along and the tin man.
We moved to Arizona this year and spent the afternoon at Boo at the Phoenix Zoo. It was quite warm this year and I remember James sweating to death in the lion costume.
Billie a Cheerleader
James is a red power ranger.
I think this was the year I decided
that moving into a new house
making homemade costumes
were not both going to happen.
The house won!
(His siblings kindly shared their loot with him!)
We were able to go trick or treating in Disneyland during our fall break,
then we also walked the neighborhood on Hallow's Eve.
This is probably the year I was most prepared to celebrate the season.
We had a great trial run.
And for the record Dad dressed up as Thor and Mom dressed up as little red riding hood.
Grant dressed as Slappy from the Goosebumps Series.
Billie dressed as Queen Lucy from Chronicles of Narnia.
James portrayed as King Peter also from Chronicles of Narnia.
And for our 2009 Halloween Get ups:
As we were walking about
I kept hearing the sounds of kids laughing,
seeing parents smiling and I was completely aware of the fact that even though Halloween
can be pretty gruesome and scary,
It is another chance to spend a night with your family.
We leisurely strolled the neighborhood with the kids, (and some friends and their kids) enjoying all the sights and sounds, having a nice relaxing night as a family.
And that walk with the family is what begins the holiday season, where we can cherish the traditions and meaning of the season to be thankful and joyous.
Ahhhh! I had totally forgotten about that ladybug! I think that giveaway was rigged. :) I enjoyed seeing your cute family over the years- but I still want a cupcake!
I'm so glad that you posted all those older pics! I totally remember 2004! That was the year we started being friends and I was like, "holy crap, she's crafty.."
I so remember that cute Lion costume that Grant wore as a little one. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane.
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