I can't believe that I have a 10 year old! I can remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. The nurse brought him into me one time to eat and he was all bundled up in his blanket with a cute little hat on. His eyes were open big and bright. That moment was seared in my memory forever. He was such a darling little baby.

This is Grant's new robe! I couldn't find a robe for him anywhere! So I headed to the fabric store to find a pattern and some fleece. I happen to absolutely LOVE this fleece. I have it all cut out, now I just need to find a couple of hours to sew.

Grant's biggest suprise was Grandma & Grandpa D came to suprise visit. It was so nice to have them here. We went to the Diamondbacks/Mets game, had a bbq and swam in the pool. Oh and we played the Wii! What fun!

Here is Grant opening his present from his dad. A new cricket 22! He loves it. And he is a pretty good shot.

No homemade cake this year. We went to Coldstone Creamery and Grant picked out 4 different flavors of cake and they made petite cakes for us. Yumm-O!
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