Monday, December 10, 2007

Need Help...

Grant has to do a report on a Traditional Australian Christmas.  For extra credit he can bring in a dish that is traditional to share with his classmates.  It seems to me in the little I have researched the Australians either one: Share in the English Traditions at Christmas time or two: They go to the beach or go camping because it is a long weekend and it is summer time there.  If you know of an "traditional" Australian Christmas dishes, could you email them to me.  I appreciate your help!


Charlotte said...

Here are some simple ones I just ran across:

Two years ago, when I was working at a middle school, I helped a kid do this SAME project... his country was Madagascar though.

attack of The Mouse said...

You should hook up with my friend, at

She is a friend from HS and she just moved to Austrilia. You should read her post about american food on thanksgiving and how much it all cost. Pretty interesting.
I'm sure she could give you an idea of what is really going on there.
Also the Wiggles does a great job talking about an Austrailain Christmas in Yule be Wigglin. I don't know how much of it is acurate, but go wiggles.

Anonymous said...


Lexi said...

LOL! I am not sure that all the other 4th grade parents would agree!