Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011

We have survived the holiday season of 2011!

I made homemade popcorn for our friends and neighbors.
 Peanut Butter with Reece's Pieces & Butterscotch drizzle
 White Chocolate with Dark Chocolate Drizzle
 Nutella with Chocolate Drizzle
 Cinnamon White Chocolate with Craisins and Sugared Pecans

 The kiddos did an amazing job making sugar cookies.  
All those years of letting them have at it and 
keeping their cookies separate from the edible ones
has finally paid off!  
They did A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
 This is what our house looked like when we left for 
our Wyoming Christmas.  
(We definitely left a white Christmas behind)
 Taking some time for a little pre-Christmas shooting!
 They grow up too fast!!  
Here we are:
Crazy as ever! Living life to the fullest!
and ENJOYing every little minute of it!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December Kindsight

I was in my kickboxing class yesterday and the instructor mentioned something about "Kindsight." 
I didn't comprehend everything she said at the time 
(I was doing jump squats...cut a girl some slack)
but said "kindsight" over in my head 10 times 
so I could remember to google it when I got home.  

And this is what I found:


and ask

What was I learning?

As a woman who likes to
"make things perfect"
"not rock the boat"
I have found the holiday's especially stressful, trying to make everything perfect instead of living in the moment and making memories.  If I look back to my past 3 years I am amazed at all the things that I have learned.  By opening myself up to what the universe wants to teach me, i have learned to stop and breathe.  I am not perfect at it. But this journey has been worth the effort. 
I am looking forward to being in the moment with my family this holiday season. And I hope that I can treat myself with Kindsight.
My wish is the same for you!