Friday, May 29, 2009

Billie's Science Project

Billie's End of the Year Science Project:
Make a diagram of either
the Earth's Layers
the Layers of a Volcano
Billie girl chose to make a Volcano
and She wanted to make an "edible" diagram

Stirring the cake mix.

Tracing out where we need to cut out the cake.
We cut out the cake where the lava would be flowing.
Once the cake was cut we put it in the freezer to freeze it
so the "lava" wouldn't absorb into the cake.

To make the Lava we made up a package of Strawberry and a package of Cherry Jello to make the dark red color. We followed the quick setup directions from the package. Once everything was combined we put the jello into the fridge for about 5 minutes. This set up the jello just enough that it was kind of chunky looking when we stirred it. This served two purposes: The Jello didn't absorb into the cake and it also gave the Lava some movement.

Here Billie is working on making the mountain with the frosting.
You can see we already have the cake cut and the Jello in place.

Here is the finished unlabeled project.

We used the following to decorate:
Red Hots
Crushed Graham Crackers
Crumbled up cake bits
Chocolate Jimmies

I am so proud of her! She did awesome on this project. And go ahead and ask her.
I bet she might be able to tell you all of the layers of a volcano.

Monday, May 11, 2009

He is 11...

...he got in the car after school promptly farted. Then he proceeded to dig out his lunch and eat on his sandwhich. At some point he burped pretty loud. I said," Grant it is not polite to fart and burp in such a confined space". He said "mom the bacteria is working hard to digest my food. The bacteria need air so that is why I burp and when I fart it means the bacteria is sweating."

..."Just a little FBI mom,
you let the gate open
(He meant FYI)

..."Did you know that everything that you eat has starch in it?"
(he said it everyday for like 4 in a row, and now that is our running joke back whenever he says hey mom.)

---Apparently I am a mother of an 11 year old. :-D---