Monday, June 23, 2008

The great spider hunter

This is a story of a spider...whose demise was eminent. Here's how the story goes. Early one morning in the hot desert village of Buckeye, a young mother went to get herself prepared for the day. As she pulled the shower curtain back she jumped back in horror. A spider was investigating the bottom of the shower. This particular young mother debated the great debate. wake up her oh so brave son, or wake up the even braver daughter. She decided to wake them both up. The brave son came in with a book to take care of the wandering spider. He took one look and said, "Oh this book isn't going to do the job." So he left the scene and came back with his long shot nerf gun. "Don't worry mom, he said outloud. I will take care of this for you." And with one shot, he splattered the spider into oblivion. My hero, the great spider hunter.


(The very brave little girl was too sleepy to help out. And I didn't get any picture b/c it was very early in the morning.)


Kim said...

Awwwwww...that is so cute. Since this story involves a nerf gun I can only imagine that your great spider hunter was Grant.;)

Rochelle said...

Way to go Spider hunter!!!!!!!! Way to go mom for such a cute way to tell the story! Props for no picures...who wants to see a smooshed spider?

Charlotte said...

Ha. That's one I've never heard. Way to go Grant :0)

Stephanie said...

I love stories with happy endings like this! What a brave boy! That is too funny!

Julie said...
