Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Friday, August 24, 2007
TGIF I think!

I am finally feeling better. After having had a fever on and off for 4 days and then a nasty sore throat this is a much needed releif. I finally got in to see my chiropracter on day 4 and he worked out some problem areas in my neck and shoulders. I guess I literally carry my stress. So far only Bill has cought my sore throat but nothing that has kept him home. The kids are all carrying on like normal.
School is going very well. James seems to really love kindergarten! He enjoys going every day. His new term is, "oh stink!" He uses it for everything bad and good. Fitting term for little stinky! Billie is really loving her new teacher. She has awesome stadium seating in her room which seams to be the hot topic for our girl. She has been coming home to her "daycare" of animals and teaches them everything she is learning. She is our teacher in training. Grant is cool enough for the 4th grade. He really is aware of the choices that his classmates are making. I don't know if this awareness will be enough to stop him from making some of the same bad ones, but I am glad that he is aware of it nontheless. He thinks it is quite unfair that he had to read for 20 minutes as opposed to his siblings 15 minutes. I keep telling him that it is tough to grow up. He is turning into quite the little man. He loves learning about all kinds of non fiction things. So goes the first 2 weeks of school.
I am off to meet Bill for our newly scheduled lunch date. What a better thing to do with your friday afternoon! Lunch alone! Chow!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I came across this the other day. I think it is totally hilarious. After having the flu all weekend, I needed a good laugh. Hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
*GROSS* Blister
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
What did you do all day?
Monday, August 13, 2007
First Day of School
Today is the first "real" first day of school. James only had screening on Friday so today is my first real day alone! James was standing in line watching all the other kids cry. He asked me "why are all the other kids crying?" He did great! I did great! Not one tear shed! WAHOO! We walked to school and then I jogged home. I have a blister on my heal to prove it! I can't wait until the morning temps are below 90 though. It was a warm walk to school and with the high today being 114ish I think I will be driving to pick the kids up. The dog must be sad not to have James home with us because she promptly went back to bed. My goal today is to get into the swimiming pool alone for at least 20 minutes. :-) Have a great one!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
In Honor of the first day of school!
Tomorrow is the first day of school and Saturday HS musical 2 hits Disney. We are pretty excited at our house. This will be me this year. Soaring, Flying, BREAKING FREE! (With a couple of tears I am sure.)
Edit: High School Musical 2 premiers on the 17th. Oops. Hope I didn't cause any riots! :-)