I love spring
Even living here in Arizona,
I love the warm days and still cool nights.
I love that I remember to stop

look around at all the beautiful flowers
trees and shrubs that seem to be in full bloom right now.
I love that I can go to the local grocer
find stacks and stacks of strawberries for a steal.
I love washing them.
I love taking my little pairing knife
cutting off just the greens like my dad taught me.
(You poke your knife in and cut in a little circle around the leaves.)
We don't waste any of that strawberry goodness.
I love pureeing them in my blender
so they are just the right texture
for perfect freezer jam or smoothies.
I was able to make 5 batches of strawberry freezer jam
and two ice cube trays of strawberry puree,
perfect for summer smoothies.
(I like to puree fruit and freeze it into ice cube trays. When it is frozen I pop them out into freezer bags and I can mix and match with a little bit of yogurt and honey to make the perfect fruity smoothy without any chunks.)