We had a lovely quiet Christmas this year.
Just the way I like it.
I baked enough to feed the neighbors, some special friends, my coworkers and a small army.
Santa indeed showed up again!
Even after the traditional," Oh it looks like Santa didn't make it this year." was uttered.
We enjoyed out tradition of opening gifts slowly, enjoying each one and thanking the giver for such thoughtfulness. We started a little after 7 am and the last gifts were opened at 2. Enough time to snuggle under our new warm quilts and blankies that the grandmas so lovingly made us and have a small nap. Then right before bed we brought in the kids' final big gifts, RC cars for the boys and a barbie head for Billie to practice her hair and nail skills on.
We received a couple of new games this year. Blokus and Connect 4 3-D. Both were a huge hit and we have been playing them nonstop. Thanks Santa and Grandma & Grandpa D!

I cried practically non-stop. All the thoughtful, time consuming wonderful gifts we received this year. (I know it is hard to see but the necklace around my neck the kids made for me, took one of Billie jewelry boxes and wrapped it up.) My favorite Christmas's have always been homemade ones, and this year ranks up with them.
For Breakfast we had stuffed french toast, with peach syrup and bacon. It was so delish and very filling. (One of Bill's Presents behind it!)
I am already excited for next Christmas! (Would it be tacky to leave my decorations up all year?)

I baked enough to feed the neighbors, some special friends, my coworkers and a small army.
Even after the traditional," Oh it looks like Santa didn't make it this year." was uttered.
We enjoyed out tradition of opening gifts slowly, enjoying each one and thanking the giver for such thoughtfulness. We started a little after 7 am and the last gifts were opened at 2. Enough time to snuggle under our new warm quilts and blankies that the grandmas so lovingly made us and have a small nap. Then right before bed we brought in the kids' final big gifts, RC cars for the boys and a barbie head for Billie to practice her hair and nail skills on.
We received a couple of new games this year. Blokus and Connect 4 3-D. Both were a huge hit and we have been playing them nonstop. Thanks Santa and Grandma & Grandpa D!
I cried practically non-stop. All the thoughtful, time consuming wonderful gifts we received this year. (I know it is hard to see but the necklace around my neck the kids made for me, took one of Billie jewelry boxes and wrapped it up.) My favorite Christmas's have always been homemade ones, and this year ranks up with them.

I am already excited for next Christmas! (Would it be tacky to leave my decorations up all year?)